Meet your suite of brain health offerings

One more step towards data-driven care.
Track and monitor your clients' mental and brain health using EEG, symptom tracking, and cognitive tests.

The mind is inseparable from the brain.
Leverage neurofeedback to offer tailor-made and holistic interventions.
Brain assessments
General Health Questionnaire
Patient Health Questionnaire-9
Generalized Anxiety Disorder Assessment
ADHD Rating Scale
Unlock EEG sensing from any region on the scalp with less pesky wires.
"Myndlift is the technology solution the neurofeedback world has been waiting for."
Seth Conger, BCN
Director, Carolina HealthSpan Institute

"Myndlift provides a powerful solution to some of the major barriers we see in neurofeedback. It allows patients to train in an affordable and convenient way that increases treatment compliance and consistency, resulting in great outcomes."

Robert Reiner, PhD, BCN, BCB
Director, Behavioral Associates, NY, USA

Currently, after less than a year of using Myndlift, we have 35 headsets being used by around 50 users, and we have more home neurofeedback sessions per week (about 100) than in-clinic sessions (about 70).
Philipp Heiler, MD
CEO, Brainboost, Germany

Myndlift allows our clinic to extend its reach to new levels. Not only can we help more people than ever, patients report feeling and performing better in less time. That is the benefit of remote neurofeedback. Convenience and affordability result in clinical gains for patients, and a thriving business for us.

Patricia Leigh, PhD
Director, Leigh Brain & Spine

Our team will guide you through technical on-boarding, marketing resources and will be available via chat, email and phone.

Sit back and let us handle the overhead. The app offers direct access (phone and chat) to our Care Team for assisted assessments, technical troubleshooting, equipment setup and more.